Bo Pelini – Huskers Football
Jeff Jamrog on Coach Pelini – “He holds you accountable but allows you to be and do your job.”
Be willing to serve. (Develop trust – build relationships from YOUR beliefs)
We live in the ME generation.
Selfishness is human nature – overcome it!
You can only lead people that respect & believe in you.
#1 job is coaching your coaches/leaders
Do it YOUR way – don’t be someone that you’re not
What do you want to be known for?
Have expectations laid out
You get what you ask for and demand
NOT the what BUT the how you do it
Base principles & accountability
Surround yourself with the “right” people
Being capable is NOT enough – character & integrity matter
Be non-compromising about core character matters
Committed t o the little things (NO gray areas)
Don’t leave things open to interpretation
Find ways to nurture – seek the moments to praise/criticize
BALANCE in finding success, check your ego at the door
History proves that dictatorships don’t work
Win with people – “Coach’em Up”
Leaders don’t point the fingers – they point the thumb back at themselves
Manage people – can’t have different expectations for people
Why are people making mistakes? People don’t desire to mess up
(Are you doing your job – assume nothing!)
Concentration should be part of your process
Success if often not fun – the pot of gold at the end is
Being uncommon is tough!
Do what you have to do today
God has set our potential higher than we can achieve.
We are not close to our own output potential.
Don’t be someone you’re not – do what works for you
You’ve got to be consistent, when it’s time to work – WORK
Give feedback (Honest – Fair – Critical)
Unconditional love is part of tough love
DAILY WORK – communication – trust – relationships
You are who you are in ALL things (Classroom – Practice – Games)
You can’t go half speed in the classroom and full speed in games!
Never think you’ve arrived! Learn each day.
Don’t forget failures – Re-direct mindset & efforts
Parents establish core values
60 plays - - 6 seconds each = 6 minutes of football - - NEVER BEEN PLAYED PERFECT
Coach Pelini spoke extensively about Jerry Rice. He worked with the 49ers early in his coaching career and was simply amazed with Rice’s “everyday perfection”. He said that he was the absolute best football player he has ever seen. He did everything with perfection on the forefront of his mind. His preparation (in-season & off-season), TEAM relationships, coach ability, family, and even in the locker-room and training room was done to perfection. Jerry set the bar for the 49ers – who’s setting the bar in your organization?
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