Make It A Great Day vs Have A Great Day
Making each day your masterpiece is one of Coach Wooden’s 7 principles that shaped his life. I’ve read the 7 point creed given to him by his father, hundreds of times. However, not until reading Pat Williams new book, “ Coach Wooden—The 7 Principles That Shaped His Life and Will Change Yours”, did I think about the terms “Make vs Have” a great day.
The quality of my day depends on me. It’s something I initiate. “Have a great day” is a passive statement. But “Make it a great day” means that I am in charge of making my day great.
A few ways Pat Williams suggests how we can take control of our day and turn our day into a masterpiece:
1. Set clear goals, then take measurable steps toward achievement.
2. Put an end to procrastination.
3. Beware of distractions and time wasters.
4. Make a time log
5. Focus on excellence
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