The Power of Persuasion
3 Steps To Influence
Tony Jeary
In a recent article in Success magazine the writer says that our effectiveness as a leader or salesperson is determined by our ability to persuade.
“Persuasion is the cornerstone of great execution”—Tony Jeary
The most successful people effectively persuade others to take action on their behalf by using three principles.
1. Communicate At The Belief Level
--Must be a heavy dose of “Why” constantly being explained.
--Why is communicated by explaining the value and purpose of what you’re doing
2. Set A Powerful Example By Your Own Behavior
--What you do speaks so loud I cannot hear what you say—Emerson
--Only 7% of communication is oral. The other 93% is the result of what people see and sense, based on tone on other nonverbal clues.
--If you want to persuade other, exceed expectations yourself.
3. Demonstrate Confidence In What You Say And Do
--The ability to present yourself, your requests and your vision with confidence is another important nonverbal piece of the persuasion formula.
--Don’t be tempted to give a less assertive opinion for the purpose of not appearing arrogant. When you say things like, “You probably know more about this than I do”, you are unwittingly sabotaging your own perceived confidence.
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