There are thousands of books on success and goal setting. But one of the best leadership books is John Maxwell’s “Failing Forward”. It discusses moving forward and improving from failures. The thing I see more and more in the players we see and coach is that they do not know how to handle the tough things in their lives. For some reason, maybe partly our fault they expect everything to come easy. But life isn’t easy and the game of basketball isn’t easy.
Just came across some book notes and wanted to share.
From “A March To Madness” by John Feinstein
Re: Coach Krzyzewski
His experience at West Point taught him to deal with failure. Military academies force yo to deal with failure early on because they believe it is the only way to teach you how to succeed when failure seems inevitable.
At Army, everyone had one talent above all others: Toughness. So, that was what he emphasized.
He always believed that failure makes people stronger.
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