Rank order coefficients of correlations between a team’s winning percentage and various statistics revealed these facts
Rank Statistic Correlation
1 Field Goal Percentage Defense .689
2 Off to Def FG% Difference .687
3 Turnovers (fewest) .628
4 Fouls (fewest) .560
5 3 Point Field Goal Percentage Defense .558
6 Defensive Rebounds (percentage) .550
7 Opponents 2nd Chance Points (fewest) .525
8 Field Goal Percentage .408
9 Points in the Paint .262
10 Opponents Points in the Paint (Fewest) .255
11 Opponents Fast Break Points (fewest) .201
12 Fast Break Points .174
13 Offensive Rebounds (percentage) .172
14 3 Point Field Goal (percentage) .148
15 Free Throw Percentage .104
16 Turnovers Forced .039
17 Steals (FOOLS GOLD) -.051
18 Free Throw Attempts -.061
This list makes me wonder why fewest fouls is relatively important while number of FT attempts means virtually nothing.