Today, in our first workout with the posts, our emphasis was Technique and Being Comfortable With The Ball. Below is our workout for today. We end the workout with Tiger and Grooving our shot.
"Tiger" is named after Tiger Woods. Tiger ends his putting practice by making 100 nine foot putts. In our "Tiger" session, we will pick a skill for them to end the workout with and give the requirements. It's another effort to develop confidence and technique. We did our entire workout today with the reduced rim, they hate it at first, but we believe it is a great aid in our focus and concentration.
(6) Wooden Work
· V-Cut & RPA
· Partner Passing (stationary & 1/2 court)
· Dribble & Juggle
· 2 Ball dribbling
(6) Finishing (Reduced Rim)
· Mikans
· 2 ball pick-up vs Air Dummy
· Screen & Roll
· Screen & Slip
(5) Closeouts (Together)
· Technique
· Roll ball and close out on wing
· Teaching Points
(8) Scoring (Reduced rim—2 makes vs contact)
· Catch—RPA—1 Dribble finish (2 dribble)
· Catch—RPA—1 Dribble pull-up
· Sikma—Jumper
· Sikma—Power move
(3) Tiger
(2) Groove Shot
Fantastic blog ... I really like your article on Coach Summitts Definite Dozen.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to this post, could you please clarify what the numbers in the brackets mean? and what does RPA stand for?