A great book to keep near your desk is David Allen's, "Getting Things Done". One of the great books on organization and preparation. It does a great job in walking you through setting up a system of organization--not just planning, but handling all the many things that come across our desk.
While reading last night, I came across something that I had missed. Allen was discussing how being organized and prepared, "clears your mind". However, while reading that section it made me think about the mental preparation for our team. Jerry Tarkanian said, "the more they think, the slower their feet get." The mental part of the game is a skill just like ballhandling and shooting. We are looking for ways to develop. The following from Allen's book is a mindset that we need our players to play with.
Allen calls this state--"Mind like water"
- In karate there is an image that's used to define the position of perfect readiness: "mind like water." Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond. How does the water respond? The answer is, totally appropriately to the force and mass of the input; then it returns to calm. It doesn't overreact or under react.
- The power in the karate punch comes from speed, not muscle; it comes from a focused "pop" at the end of the whip.
- That is why petite people can learn to break boards and bricks with their hands: it doesn't take calluses or brute strength, just the ability to generate a focused thrust with speed.
- But a tense muscle is a slow one. So the high levels of training in the martial arts teach and demand balance and relaxation as much as anything else. Clearing the mind and being flexible are key.
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