Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Pod Strategy

Paul Azinger in his book, "Cracking The Code" discusses all aspects of his Ryder Cup leadership.  The core of his plan was the "pod strategy"

The Pod Strategy
  • Break the men into small groups
  • That's the core. Those guys eat, sleep and train together until they know what the others are thinking.
  • Interesting concept--"Small groups, tight bonds"
  • Military experts knew that in the heat of battle you couldn't get a batalion or a company to gel as a single fighting unit. The numbers were too big. But you could get three, four, or five or maybe as many as six guys to lay everything on the line for the men beside them.
  • Small groups--men who ate, slept, trained, hung out and sometimes fought together were a key to military success.
  • In any unstructured setting, people gather in small groups: three, four, or maybe five total.
  • Smaller groups will invaribly form within the larger body.
  • "A successful corporate model for well-rounded team building involves developing subteams that can aggressively execute a plan, influence others to action, and build quality relationships."Dr. Ron Braund
  • "In sports competition, controlled tension often creates positive momentum and offers greater focus for the team." Dr. Ron Braund

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the pods strategy. I heard very good things about this book. "Cracking The Code" has been a highly recommended book. I'll be reading this very soon!
