Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is there really VISION without COMMUNICATION??

"If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around......
Similarly, if a leader has a "Vision" but doesn't (can't) communicate, is there really a vision?

Coaching is such a great job because of all the variety that the job brings. As a coach you have the opportunity to meet and talk with so many people and learn from such different sources. I'm fortunate to talk daily with business leaders, coaches, career coaches, ministers, managers and the list goes on. It's always interesting the topics tend to be very similar in all aspects of leadership. The following are some thoughts and questions from conversations with different people at different times but you can see how they likely apply to us daily.
While discussing these thoughts and questions, there were very few answers. And each question generally leads to another.
  • I believe that without communication, there is no vision.
  • Nothing is gained when a leader focuses and prepares their vision, if the vision isn't communicated to the people/ team/ staff that must carry out the vision.
  • A vision is only as good as its execution.
  • Leaders depend on their "team" to claim and seize the vision.
  • There can be no sustained effort or intentionality if the team/ players, etc are unsure or unaware of critical elements of a leader's vision.
  • A vision, a dominant aspiration can't be a "secret". But we often see a lack of communication and the process needed to execute is missing because the team/ staff, etc. is unaware of details, events, etc. that are part of the vision.
  • The question becomes, "Why?"
    • Why isn't essential information about "vision" not communicated?
      • Lack of preparation?
      • Lack of clarity in the process?
      • Lack of trust?
      • Lack of competence?
  • Is there Vision with poor communication?
    • Does the manner of the communication of a vision affect the vision of an organiztion?
    • Does the manner/ mode of communication affect the trust, loyalty and passion of a team's process of the vision?
  • When staff, players, etc. are aware of a lack of communication what should be the process of correcting the issue? Who's responsibility does communication rest with?
  • Is silence acceptance?
  • A vision is more than a simple statement written for a policy and procedures manual. It must have an emotional attachment to drive a team, company, etc.
  • Proper communication about a Vision generates enthusiasm and brings energy.  And poor communication will drain energy.
  • Without proper communication about vision--a team, staff, etc. will tend to fill in the "gaps" with what they thought...As opposed to what really "is".  Which leads to a lack of clarity and another vicious cycle begins.
  • We talk with our team about "clutter".  We define clutter as anything that we think about or deal with that doesn't take us closer to our vision.  If the vision isn't communicated clearly and intentionally--then everything we do can essentially become clutter.  Because it's not taking us to our "vision".
  • General MaCarthur said, "Don't give orders that can be understood, give orders that can't be misunderstood."
    • Without clear communication, we are certainly in jeopardy of giving orders that can be misunderstood.
  • I don't believe that, "less is more" when it involves the clarity and intentionality of a vision of a team.
  • It's the trust, faith, clarity and intentionality of a vision that drives teams to greatness.

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