Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Gift of Love

Coach Summitt carried this passage in her planner.  It's a great summary of our responsibility as leaders and teachers and parents.

You can love me,
but only I can make me happy.
You can teach me,
but only I can do the learning.
You can lead me,
but only I can walk the path.
You can promote me,
but I have to succeed.
You can coach me,
but I have to win the game.
You can even pity me,
but I have to bear the sorrow.
For the Gift of Love
is not a food that feeds me.
It is the sunshine
that nourished that which I must finally harvest for myself.
So if you love me
don't just sing me your song.
Teach me to sing,
for when I am alone,
I will need the melody.
--Dan Baker

Thoughts on the passage above:

"The worst thing you can do to someone you love is to do something for them that they can and should do for themselves."--Abraham Lincoln

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."

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