The Foundation of the Legend of John Wooden—His Father Joshua Wooden
As coaches we see John Wooden’s influence everywhere. I have a shelf of John Wooden books, notebooks full of articles, notes, etc. But the thing that stuck out to me reflecting on his death, was Coach Wooden’s father.
In every book, speech, article—Coach Wooden talked of his father’s influence. The greatness of John Wooden began at home as a child, the lessons he learned from his dad shaped his life to be the man that he was. I think of the incredible gift that Coach Wooden’s father left each of us, through Coach Wooden’s teachings. I think of the incredible responsibility I have as a father of one and one on the way.
The following comes from Coach Wooden’s book—“They Call Me Coach”
“Actually, my father had a profound influence on my life. Both my philosophy of life and of coaching came largely from him. Even as a small boy I always had a great respect for him because I knew he would always be fair with me and had my best interests at heart. And I soon learned that if he couldn’t say something good about another person, he wouldn’t say anything at all—a philosophy I’ve tried to follow.
A truly gentle man, dad read the Bible daily; he wanted us to read it and we did. That is probably why I keep a copy on my desk today. It’s not a decoration, but is well marked and read. The fact that I never heard dad swear, surely accounts for the fact that even today when I get mad, the strongest thing I can say is “goodness gracious sakes alive.”
I remember so well what dad gave me for graduation from that little country grade school in Centerton. It was a piece of paper on which he had written a creed that he suggested I try to live by. It read:
1. Be true to yourself.
2. Make each day your masterpiece.
3. Help others.
4. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
5. Make friendship a fine art.
6. Build a shelter against a rainy day.
7. Pray for guidance, count and give thanks for your blessing every day.
Through Joshua Wooden’s lessons to his son developed the legend of Coach Wooden that we know today.
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