Friday, March 19, 2010

Leadership Thoughts From Spring Individual Meetings

I've been very fortunate to work with and be around some great coaches. One of the things I have learned is to always have pen and paper. Because you never know when you are going to in a teachable moment and learn something.
We just concluded our individual meetings. I take notes during all the meetings and we put them in our staff notebooks as we prepare and review. Listed below are some of the thoughts I made a separate note of that can apply to each of us as leaders.
Coach Williams is one of the best at making you think outside the box and challenge your critical thinking skills.

1. Check—Check--& Re-Check
2. Educate yourself to ask the right questions
3. What is the problem and how am I going to fix it?
4. Need to get out of our comfort zone.
5. Answer questions confidently.
6. Don’t answer a question with a question.
7. How can you be part of the solution?
8. Hone your skills to communicate and interact.
9. What are you doing to try to know? (In response to “I don’t know”).
10. Solid, Consistent leaders
11. Deserve/ Earn
12. Learn and work to be persistent. Find different ways.
13. Thoughts are everything.
14. Culture has to change to make a definite change.
15. Unintended consequences.
16. People are always aware of how you carry yourself.
17. There’s no room for a relapse.
18. Look to be a critical thinker.
19. How can you improve your critical thinking?
20. Positive Self Talk (PST)
21. Must be strong emotionally
22. Importance of body language
23. Can’t get away with a lack of leadership
24. Eliminate the things that keep us from winning.
25. Did I do everything I could do in this situation?
26. Can’t just tell people what they want to hear. Lead by actions.
27. Every decision has to begin with the end in mind.
28. What were you not satisfied with?
29. What did you do to improve it?
30. What’s going to be different?
31. Seniors don’t say, “Try”.
32. Find your best way to contribute.
33. We’re trying to help you past your 4 years here.
34. How will you get it done?
35. They didn’t say= “I didn’t ask”
36. Don’t “Think”, Instead “Know”
37. What we have to eliminate to get us to win.
38. How else have I tried to solve this problem?
39. You get what you earn.
40. Sense of urgency—you’re ready to earn.
41. Reap what you sow.
42. A lot of coaching is crisis management.

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