In Og Mandino's book, The University of Success, he uses Howard Whitman's article, "How To Fashion Your Own Brand of Success" to help us define success.
- Two main criteria of success: Do others think you are a success? Do you think so?
- Success must be a personal thing.
- Ghandi's possessions when he died: eye glasses, sandals, few simple garments, spinning wheel and a book.
- Henry David Thoreau, "A man is rich in the proportions of things he can let alone."
- Ghandi spoke of reduction of needs.
- Five Factors of Success:
A. Purpose--whatever you do move toward a goal.
B. Batting Average--there are upturns i success separated by valleys of failure.
C. Price--no success is free. Joy of success must be counter-balanced by the effort to achieve it.
D. Satisfaction--success must be enjoyed. "It may be won with tears but it must be crowned with laughter."
E. Spirituality--can't feel success without also feeling related to the greater purposes of life and to the author of those purposes.
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