Holtz-- 10 Keys To Excellence
1. The Power of Attitude The attitude you choose to assume toward life and everything it brings you will determine whether you realize your aspirations. What you are capable of achieving is determined by your talent and ability. What you attempt to do is determined by your motivation. How well you do something is determined by your attitude.
2. Tackle Adversity You are going to be knocked down. I have been on top and I have been at the bottom. To achieve success, you are going to have to solve problems. If you react positively to them, you’ll be stronger than ever. If you react to setbacks more quickly and positively, you gain a distinct. advantage. I’
ve never encountered a person who achieved anything worthwhile that
didn’t require overcoming obstacles.
3. Have a Sense of Purpose Understand what you are trying to do. Stay completely focused on your primary purpose. Don’t get sidetracked. Give a first rate performance every day.
4. Make Sacrifice Your Ally You can’t be successful without making sacrifices. Most losing organizations are overpopulated with people who constantly complain about life’s difficulties. They will drain your enthusiasm and energy. Take pride in making sacrifices and having self-discipline.
5. Adapt or Die Things are always changing, so embrace the fact that your life and career are always in transition. Yes, you will achieve goals, but don’t fall into the trap o not thinking you don’t need to go further. Even when you reach the top, remember to stay focused on the fundamentals.
6. Chase Your Dreams All great accomplishments start with a dream. Dreams fuel your enthusiasm and vision. They will give you a burning desire to get up and achieve.
7. Nurture Your Self-Image A positive self-image grows out of having strong character. To be trustworthy, committed to excellence and to show care for others are the underpinnings of a successful person.
8. Foster Trust Relationships are based on trust. Many people have ruined tremendous opportunity because they
didn’t have the discipline and decency to do what’s right. Continually ask yourself, “Is this the right thing to do?” Do what you feel is right regardless of peer pressure or personal desires. Success and confidence will follow close behind.
9. Commit to Excellence Do everything to the best of your ability. Everyone wants to be associated with people who set and maintain high standards. When you lower standards, you only invite mediocrity.
10. Handle with Care Treat others as you would like to be treated.